WP1. Organizing and conducting experimental research in Sofia and Burgas
Activities under WP1
1.1. Development of methodology for the sampling and
storage of PM2.5 samples for the analysis of BC/BrC and PAHs.
1.2. Preparation, Planning and conduct of experimental sampling campaigns.
1.3. Analysis of the mass concentration of collected PM2.5 samples from Sofia and Burgas.

WP2. Determination of BC concentration in atmospheric aerosol (PM2.5)
Activities under WP2
- 2.1. Development of methodology for analysis of BC/BrC in PM2.5.
- 2.2. Adaptation of the methodology for real- time concentrations of BC with Aethalometer.
- 2.3. Analysis of BC concentrations from Sofia and Burgas and their organization in an appropriate format for use in the defined activities in WP4 and WP5.

WP3. Determination of the PAHs concentration in PM2.5
Activities under WP3
- 3.1. Improvement of methodology for analysis of 19 PAHs in PM2.5.
- 3.2. Pre-treatment and analysis of filter samples from the experimental campaign in Sofia and Burgas.
- 3.3. Determination of the PAHs concentrations in the filter samples from Sofia and Burgas and organizing them in a suitable format for the activities planned in WP4 and WP5.
- 3.4. Quality control of analysis by duplicate samples in accredited laboratories.

WP4. Investigation of the connections and correlations, between the meteorological parameters and the pollution levels with PM2.5, black carbon (BC) and PAHs for urban conditions in Bulgaria.
Activities under WP4
- 4.1. Distinguishing of the significant meteorological parameters related to PM pollution levels.
- 4.2. Calculation of the Probabilistic Contribution Probability Function (CPF) depending on the prevailing wind direction and speed.
- 4.3. Application of a trajectory model to identify the origin and transport of air masses in selected cases of concentration deviations of the elements.

WP5. Model results and comparative analysis.
Activities under WP5
- 5.1. Selection of model systems providing regular results for various parameters of atmospheric chemistry and archiving of model results.
- 5.2. Analysis of the spatial-temporal distribution of PM10, PM2.5 and other available elements of their chemical composition for the territory of Bulgaria for selected periods.
- 5.3. Comparative analysis of model results with data from experiments in both cities, as well as with other data from the EEA network.
- 5.4. Application of Receptor Model (EPA PMF) to identified the contribution of BC and PAHs sources to the mass concentration of PM2.5.