AQ modelling for Bulgaria with
satellite data assimilation

In the framework of the ESA funded project “Satellite information downscaled to urban air quality in Bulgaria” (SIDUAQ, ( two air quality modelling systems developed at NIMH have been upgraded with the aim to include satellite retrieved data for atmospheric chemistry and to downscale regional scale results for surface concentrations down to the city of Plovdiv. The two systems are: 1) the chemical transport model system BgCWFS_sat ( performing in domains Europe (horizontal grid resolution dx = 81km), Balkans (dx = 27km) and Bulgaria (dx = 9km), and 2) the dispersion model LAQMS (Local Air quality Management System) performing for the region of Plovdiv (dx = 1km) and city of Plovdiv (dx = 250m). The models have been connected via ad hoc created interface so that satellite data assimilated in the bigger domains can be implicitly accounted for at urban scale.

Results from the upgraded systems of BgCWFS_sat and LAQMS are shown here for selected variables: surface concentrations of key pollutants PM10, NO2, SO2 as well as the columnar aerosol parameter AOD (Aeorosol Optical Depth). The time periods for the prototypes runs are 2 months – August 2017 and February 2019