Analysis of physico-chemical parameters
- New experimental data on the chemical composition of atmospheric deposition (pH acidity, EC conductivity, basic anions - SO42-, NO3-, Cl-, (NH4+), macro and micro elements (Na, K, Мg, Ca, Fe, Si,) some of which heavy, toxic metals (Zn and Cu) have been obtained. Over 560 samples are analysed for chemical composition, pH and EC;
- An analysis of the precipitation acidity was performed - the mean pH values for the period June - December 2017 vary from slightly alkaline in Ahtopol (5.78), slightly acidic in Sofia (5.07) to acidic on Cherny Vrah (4.41);
- A comparative analysis of the chemical composition of wet depositions at the three points is made - sulphate ions SO42-, predominate for Sofia and Cherni vrah, and chlorine (Cl-), followed by sulphates, for Ahtopol. Concentrations of the analyzed heavy metals (Cu, Zn) are very low. In the majority of samples the Cu concentrations are close to or less than the detection limit, while zinc is present in almost all samples.
- Analysis of chemical compisition of rain (RW) and cloud water (CW) samples from Cherny Vrah station was made.
The following concentration gradation of the investigated elements was observed:
For both types (CW and RW), the anions concentrations is: SO42- > NO3 - > Cl -, and for the rest: Ca > K > NH4+ > Na > Si > Mg > Zn > Fe > Cu (RW) and Ca > NH4 + > K > Mg > Na > Si > Zn > Fe > Cu (CW).
Contribution of each chemical element and functional group to the whole mass in the
samples, for the three stations for the period June - December 2017
рН relative frequency distribution (left) and EC (right) for the
precipitation water (RW) and cloud water (CW) samples.
Concentrations of the studied elements in cloud water samples (left) and
precipitation water samples (right) from Cherny Vrah.