The 4 sampling sites are located in a region of about 100 x 100 km of the cross border area as shown on the map.

The Bulgarian sampling sites are situated in the observatories of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH-BAS), where regular meteorological measurements are being performed. The locations of these sites can be seen here.
The Turkish sampling site at Kirklareli is situated in the premises of the Atatürk Soil and Water Resources Research Institute (see the map).
The second Turkish sampling site is placed about 5 km northwest of Pinarhisar (map), in the small town of Kaynarca.
Manual sampling systems have been assembled by both partners. These samplers allow collection of wet (precipitation), dry (aerosol deposition) and bulk (wet and dry) samples, but need for the operation a trained personal.
Pictures of the manual sampling systems in Ahtopol and Bourgas can be seen here.
Pictures of the sampling systems in Kirklareli and Kaynarca can be seen here.
An automatic precipitation sampler was purchased and installed in August 2014 in Ahtopol.
The device, produced by Kroneis GmbH, Austria, serves for automatic separation and collection of
dry and wet only precipitations samples.
This sampler is unique for Bulgaria. Such types of instruments are usually part of regional atmospheric
monitoring stations, of Global Atmospheric Watch
stations that provide data relevant to climate change, or part of national deposition networks that
provide data relevant to air pollution effects on ecosystems.
Photos of WADOS at the NIMH-Observatory in Ahtopol can be found