SAAP4FUTURE will be implemented through 15 activities that can be grouped in 4 main groups – research activities, field (sampling) activities, chemical analysis of samples, dissemination and management activities. The single activities are:

Activity 1
Kick-off Meeting in Kirklareli

To discuss actual work plan, procedures, difficulties and responsibilities and to adopt the Communication Plan.
More information...
Activity 2
Project Publicity Meeting in Burgas

To promote the project to the target groups and potential beneficiaries (local authorities, stakeholders, general public, and mass media). More...
Activity 3
Joint assessment of air pollution status and main anthropogenic emissions in Burgas and Kirklareli Regions

To identify main air pollution problems in the cross border area, based on public available monitoring data from environmental agencies/authorities of the countries and international ones. Where possible, to collect information on the main anthropogenic sources of air pollution in the area.
Activity 4
Procurement of precipitation sampling systems, selection of sites for field campaigns, on-site setting

To provide and install the technical equipment necessary for the collection of wet (precipitation), dry and bulk air pollution deposition samples at four sites in the cross border area – Burgas, Ahtopol, Kirklareli and Pinarhisar. More...
Activity 5
Air pollution modelling

Set up of the numerical system and simulations of pollutants concentrations and deposition To set up and apply advanced air quality modeling systems in order to provide the spatial distribution of main air pollutants over the cross border area in typical situations.
Activity 6
Field campaigns for collection of samples, orientation of support personnel, exchange of samples

To set-up methodologies and program for precipitation sampling, to organize the filed campaigns with duration up to the 10th month of the project, to perform on-site elaboration of samples. More...
Activity 7
Chemical analysis of the precipitation samples

To perform chemical analysis of collected samples in highly specialized laboratories for main cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, NH4+), main anions (SO42-, Cl-, NO3-) and heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr, Cd, Co, Pb, Mo).
Activity 8
Midterm Project Meeting in Ahtopol

To discuss the actual status of project activities, the technical and financial progress, to define milestone for the next period. More...
Activity 9
Data integration and evaluation of all samples' analysis

To create a common database of all collected samples in both countries and to evaluate jointly their chemical composition.
Activity 10
Elaboration of air pollution maps for specific meteorological situation in the region

To elaborate, based on outcome of Acitvity 5, air pollution maps for the main pollutants (SO2, NO2, O3 and particulate matter) for typical meteorological situations in the target area. More...
Activity 11
Joint Scientific Workshop in Burgas - 20th and 21st of November 2014

To present study results and to jointly analyse outcome of Activities 5, 6 and 7. More...
Activity 12
Combined analysis of data collected during the field campaigns and from numerical modeling

To analyse the uncertainties inherit both in the numerical modelling and observations data of different nature (meteorological, chemical, air quality).
Activity 13
Dissemination Activities, Implementation of Communication and Visibility Plan Communication and Visibility Plan

To disseminate project results to general public, local authorities and stakeholders, environmental organisations, research communities etc.
Activity 14
Project Information and Closure Meeting/Workshop in Kirklareli

To present project outcomes both to wider audience, as well as to experts in environmental issues in view of future cooperation and joint management initiatives.
Activity 15
Project Management Activities

To coordinate and manage all the administrative and financial aspects of the project for its successful implementation.